Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Addressing Sexual Health

Antony Virgese

In common parlance sexual health would mean, anything or everything to do with sexual activity, a simple explanation for the term would be sexual intercourse. What in medical term is “coitus”, meaning coming together. For a common man it is sex with the penis in the vagina. Intercourse is a natural phenomenon, it's not a science which needs to be learned, it is within us. From millions of years man has been doing it instinctively.
The feeling of sexual contact is something which has always been curtailed; sexual contact has always been considered naughty, secret, dangerous, forbidden or even criminal. The root cause of thinking such a pious natural urge as a forbidden act is our nature. From time immemorial the human species has thought of sex as a means of reproduction. Pleasure was a luxury, and communication between the sexes was minimal.
Sexual health does not imply penetrative sex alone. In recent times sexual health is a new focus for WHO (World Health Organization). It has convened international technical consultation on sexual health. Its importance accorded by the world body is a step in the right direction and needs to be an ongoing process. Sexual health is a state of physical, emotional, mental and social well-being in relation to sexuality; it is not merely the absence of disease, dysfunction or infirmity. Sexual health requires a positive and respectful approach to sexuality and sexual relationships, as well as the possibility of having pleasurable and safe sexual experiences, free of coercion, discrimination and violence.
Sexual health is influenced by a complex web of factors ranging from sexual behavior and attitudes and societal factors, to biological risk and genetic predisposition. It encompasses the problems of HIV and STIs/RTIs, unintended pregnancy and abortion, infertility and cancer resulting from STIs, and Sexual Dysfunction. Sexual health can also be influenced by mental health, acute and chronic illnesses, and violence. Addressing sexual health at the individual, family, community or health system level requires integrated interventions by trained health providers and a functioning referral system.
Antony Virgese is an associated editor to the website: - The Erectile Dysfuction Portal. Cpotent is committed to provide visitors with complete information on Erectile Dysfunction, Male Impotence, Cialis, Latest Cialis News, Sucess Stories, Discussion Forum and its related topics. Your Feedback & comments will be highly appreciated at

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Proven Impotence Treatments To Cure Erectile Dysfunction

By George Watson

If you ever find it tough to get or keep an erection, you will probably start thinking you have
impotence and will start looking for an impotence treatment. Erectile dysfunction (ED) or male impotence is said to be one of the biggest problems in mens health. It happens when you simply cannot get an erection and maintain it long enough to enjoy intercourse with your partner. It affects millions of men however there are some very effective prescription and all natural impotence remedies.Impotence is seen as one of mans biggest sexual problems because sexual health and ability to enjoy intercourse are extremely important to most men. Quality of life is affected too by the pleasure you get from sexual intimacy and as people age, erection problems and impotence are becoming more and more common. The problem is discussed on television, and doctors have now come up with all types of pills and drugs to treat impotence and possible cure impotence. All these possible impotence treatments are created to hopefully allow men to improve their relationships and experience happy sex lives.Unfortunately, the media has also made the idea popular that a pill is the only way to cure the problem. In effect, when faced with an impotence problem, most men think about taking impotence pills to solve their problem. Yet pills are not the most effective long term cure for impotence, and many pill or impotence drug commercials on TV openly describe possible negative side effects.Safe, all natural impotence treatments to stay harder longerSo because we are shown advertisements since youth about how pills can solve every health problem, we grow up to trust pharmacy pills and use them for everything. But here we will try to shatter the myth that pills can solve all health ailments and discuss the major ways in which a man can cure impotence:Herbal impotence pills, erection supplements, male enhancement patches and erection oilsRecent studies on some herbal ingredients such as DHEA, ginseng and propionyl-L-carnitine links to a possible and safe erectile dysfunction treatment in some men. However no clinical testing has been done to verify these findings or confirm how safe these herbal extracts and natural compounds really are in treating impotence.On top of this, some herbal impotence treatments are condemned by the FDA as being unsafe, such as Yohimbe. Used by millions of men worldwide as a safe impotence remedy, when taken in excessive amounts, this herb can include dangerous side effects such as high blood pressure and heart problems.B. Synthetic drugs: Sildenafil (Viagra), Tadalafil (Cialis), Vardenafil (Levitra)Viagra, Levitra and Cialis all work similarly to each other. Scientifically known as phosphodiesterase inhibitors, these drugs increase the effect of nitric oxide, a chemical messenger that relaxes smooth muscles in the penis. This increases blood flow and allows the natural process of erection to take place in response to sexual impulse.Whats important to know about these prescription impotence pills is that by themselves they do not produce an erection. Instead they open up the floodgates that might be blocked or disabled for some other health reason, so an erection can occur when you become sexually aroused. Many men are happy with the results they get from these pills whether they have impotence problems or not. The amount of time these pills work also differs. Each may have a different dosage requirement, one might work better than the other, and one might have more negative side effects than another. So far it is not possible to match an impotence drug to a specific man for his unique level of impotence problem. These pills have also not been tested against each other in any clinical study.Male enhancement exercises and erection enhancement exercise techniquesThere are ways to cure impotence without spending lots of money on prescription pills. Erectile dysfunction forums are all over the internet discussing natural impotence remedies to try which are generally safe and save you money. Some sites offer more valuable information like exercise techniques and habits of living and require a one time members fee to get full access.These sites can all point you toward healthy, safe and all natural methods of impotence treatment and penis enhancement. There is no reason to become trapped in the thought that prescription impotence pills are the only way to solve your erection problems.
George Watson is a popular Mens Health researcher. Read more about penis growth techniques, how to straighten a bent penis and erection pills for impotence at his male enhancement website,

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Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Anti-Aging Secrets for Men

By Expert Author: Danna Schneider

So much of the youth-preservation and anti-aging industry here in America used to be focused exclusively on women, who were thought to be the only sex of the human species to be interested in preserving their youth, extending health and life, and enhancing their physical beauty for longer periods of time. Not any more though. Now, men are expressing an interest in maintaining their physical and emotional health as well as their physical youthfulness, and the industry is answering that call with some excellent solutions to the quest for longevity, peak performance, and lasting health and physical fitness. With advances in natural medicine and supplementation, there is rarely a person I talk to who does not take some natural enhancement supplement or vitamin of some sort. Heck, even the multivitamins we have available to us nowadays offer us benefits way beyond your typical One a Day of yesteryear, with superior absorption rates as well as more concentrated and pure ingredients that ensure a greater and more noticeable benefit. One of the best anti aging "secrets" are multivitamins that are packed with antioxidants, paired with a diet that matches this concentration. Antioxidants are found abundantly in brightly colored veggies and fruits, and are also now added to some of the top notch vitamin supplements for men and women as an added benefit in addition to basic daily vitamins. Antioxidants, such as polyphenols (found in olive oil abundantly, for example), vitamin E and vitamin C, are pivotal to the survival of cells in the body, including skin cells, brain cells, and healthy defensive cells against things like cancer and other unwanted mutations. Antioxidants have been demonstrated to play an important role in preventing the destruction of healthy, functional cells by something called free radicals. Free radicals roam the body in abundance when gone unchecked and when an unhealthy diet and way of life is followed, and these environmental toxins, so to speak, destroy the healthy cell. Sunlight exposure accelerates the destruction of healthy cells, and certain foods can as well, but taking higher doses of antioxidants and getting them in your diet as well can help mitigate the destruction of these healthy cells, and hence prolong and enhance your life. Wearing a good SPF lotion all the time is necessary to maintain the integrity of the skin, and prevent mutations of cells such as cancers, especially skin cancer. It is said that if we were never exposed to the sunlight in our lives, our skin would remain as smooth as a baby's bottom almost into our eighties. This is how powerful staying out of the sun can be in your quest to remain young as long as possible. For men, maintaining prostate health also becomes a big issue as a man ages, as this gland can be the cause of health woes as the organ ages, and often materializes into an uncomfortable problem for older men, or worse, can also become cancerous over time. There are some excellent supplements that can be taken for prostate health, and a good diet rich in fruits and vegetables, and low in red meats and other heavy, hard to digest meats, has been linked to the maintenance of prostate health and prevention of prostate cancer as well. Another health issue for men as they age can be maintaining muscle tone and keeping an optimal level of fitness and energy. Exercise is one of the best anti-aging secrets for both men and women, period. Exercise not only boosts energy levels and keeps the mind performing at peak levels, but it also has been shown to reduce occurrences of illness such as the flu and colds, to fend off depression and anxiety which are responsible for a myriad of other physical and mental ailments, and to keep the digestive and main organs as well as the circulatory system functioning at higher levels. Some men (and women, for that matter), swear by the use of an HGH enhancing supplement as well. HGH enhancing supplements can help our bodies to begin to produce HGH at the higher levels of our youth once again. HGH, or human growth hormone, is basically the hormone responsible for keeping us young in every sense of the word. Some natural supplements are thought to help the body kick the natural mechanisms back in to help the body to start producing this hormone, which typically drops off drastically after our mid twenties, at higher levels again. All in all, with our constantly evolving and improving knowledge about the world of health and nutrition, we have the tools to remain young and healthy well beyond the years we would without this knowledge. Those of us who want more out of life, and who understand that we only live once so we better make it the best life we can, will do well to follow these guidelines to stay "young" in spirit, mind and body, as long as we can.
About the Author/Author BioDanna Schneider contributes to Mens Health Supplements and GenF20 HGH Releaser , where you can find helpful information on male and health supplements for physical wellness purposes, longevity, sexual health and emotional well being and mental sharpness.

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Increase Sperm Count

By Expert Author: Dr. Smith Johnson

One of the most annoying infertility problems is male infertility that occurs because of low or decreased sperm count. Almost half of the infertility troubles are faced by couples are due to male infertility. The most widespread form of male infertility is a low or decreased sperm count. "Normal or standard" sperm count, as stated by the World Health Organization WHO, is Typed by: The attentiveness of spermatozoa should not be less than twenty million per milliliter. The entirety volume of semen should not be less than 2 milliliter. The full amount of spermatozoa in the ejaculate should not be less than forty million. Not less than 75 % of the spermatozoa should be alive. Not less than 30 % of the spermatozoa should be of standard shape and form. Not less than 25 % of the spermatozoa should be swimming with quick forward movements. Not less than 50 % of the spermatozoa should be swimming forward, even if only lethargically. These numbers quantity to averages; Having a sperm count below these levels does not assure that a man will be not be capable to become a father of a child; similarly, having a sperm count more than these numbers does not assure that a man will be able to father a child. There are assortments of factors that can lead to low sperm count: Stress Genetic causes Nutritional deficiencies The use of prescription or illicit drugs Obesity Varicoceles Infections Smoking. There are numerous things that may help increase sperm count which are as folows: 1. Regular Exercise - Regular exercise will assist in reducing stress, but one should be careful. Extreme exercise can also harm, as can some exercises that may cause bad impact the testicles, such as cycling. 2. Ejaculating less frequently. The more often a man ejaculates, the less thick semen will be. Therefore maintain a gap of 3 days between successive ejaculations. 3. Avoid smoking and drinking alcohol. 4. Massage your body with herbal massage oil that helps to improve blood circulation. 5. Try to have sex in the early morning or in afternoon as it is thought that sperm levels are maximum in the morning and afternoon as compared to evening and night. 6. Avoid wearing tight underwear, saunas bath and whirlpools, all of which may lead to the rise in the temperature of the testicles. 7. Try to use natural herbal supplements and vitamins that may help to increase the sperm count. 8. Continue a high protein, low fat diet that is rich in vegetables and whole grains. Completely avoid bitter and spicy foods. There are also ranges of vitamin that may help with low sperm count. They include: - Vitamin C or amalaki - Vitamin E or wheat grass - Vitamin B12 Selenium There are numerous dietary measures that a person who has a low sperm count can undertake to endeavor to increase his sperm count, like: - Consume a diet that contains whole and natural foods. The best foods for health in general and also for decreased sperm counts are whole grains, legumes, vegetables, fruits, nuts, and seeds. - Abolish alcohol consumption. In addition to the general nutritional reimbursement of preventing alcohol. This helps in getting rid of sexual performance issues. - Spot and evade food allergies. - Raw sunflower seeds and pumpkin seeds have been revealed to help to enhance male fertility. It is suggested that a man with a low sperm count consume 1/4 cup of raw sunflower or pumpkin seeds daily. - Drink at least 15 to 20 glasses of water daily. - When ever possible, try to consume organic foods. Recent researches suggest a link between chemical fertilizers and pesticides equally in male and female infertility. As you can see, a lot of of these nutritional changes are not only are helpful in rising sperm count but many of them just make nutritional sense also: - Naturally and safely hold up the making of cervical fluids. - Increase female stimulation and sexual stimulus. - Increase hydration of the mucin. - Promote mucus alkalinity and mucosal thinning. - hold up a healthy uterine lining for implantation of the embryo. Herbs that are helpful in increasing the sperm count are: - Hygrophila (Astercantha longifolia) - Hygrophila belongs to Family Acanthaceae is a wildly found herb which is extensively used in 'Ayurveda' as 'Rasayana and a vajikarana' drug for treatment of various disorders especially that of sexual problems. Treatment of diabetic rats with aerial parts of Hygrophila for 21 days showed noteworthy decrease in blood glucose, thiobarbituric acid reactive substances i.e. (TBARS) and hydroperoxide in both the major organs i.e. liver and kidney. The treatment with HAEt considerably augmented the glutathione (GSH), glutathione peroxidase (GPx), glutathione S-transferase (GST) and catalase (CAT) in the drug treated group of rats that is analogous to the control group. HAEt and glibenclamide-treated rats also depicted reduction in lipid peroxidation that is linked with augmented activity of superoxide dismutase (SOD) and the catalase. The capability of HAEt on tissue lipid peroxidation and antioxidant status in diabetic animals has not been premeditated before. The results of this study thus demonstrate that HAEt has noteworthy anti-diabetic activity along with powerful antioxidant potential in diabetic conditions. It is also very widely used in raising the sperms count as it stimulates the male sexual organs to produce the increased amount of sperms. - Lettuce (Lactuca scariola) - Lactuca species have moderately narcotic elements in the latex which give out from the whole plant when cut or busted. This latex is known as lactucarium when gathered and dried. The active ingredients are highest when the plant is in its flowering stage that is why we produce during this time. It is an excellent source of aphrodisiac agent. It is a powerful stimulant that not only enhances the stamina in men but also improves the power. - Cowitch (Mucna pruriens) - it is commonly known as the kaunch beej. It is one of the best ayurvedic herbs that have the potential to increase the sperm count naturally by stimulating the internal body organs especially the reproductive once. - Mosaic gold (Suvarnavanga) - Mosaic Gold or Suvarnavanga is used in Ayurvedic system of medication with a name Suvarnavanga. It is used in grievance of the reproductive organs. It is designated as a rejuvenator and a tonic of high effectiveness which persuades health, vigor, perks up hunger, raises memory, make semen of high quality and cures gonorrhea, spermatorrhea and leucorrhea. Suvarnavanga has been used as an aphrodisiac, brain tonic, antiemetic and in skin related diseases, night sweats, disorders caused by the derangement of doshas 'vata' and 'kapha'. It perks up the complexion. It also has anthelmintic actions in addition to the above stated uses. It is an important component in ayurvedic medicines for treating impotency. - Elephant creeper (Argyeria speciosa) - The effects of oral ingestion of the seeds has been evaluated to LSD, though appreciably less potent. The practice is frequently reported as psychedelic, depending on the quantity. Visually, some open-eye turbulence and closed-eye mold occur. The most distinguished alteration induced is cognitive, even though auditory hallucinations are also frequently reported. Awareness of time and space can be critically altered. At a low to medium dose of the seeds, creates a light euphoria and a mood fluctuations are also regularly reported. - Small caltrops (Tribulus terrestris) - Some have evaluated the tonic properties of Tribulus terrestris or Small caltrops to the actions of Chinese ginseng, but these takes place due to completely different method. It is also asserted that Tribulus terrestris augment testosterone by raising the levels of gonadotropin releasing hormone (GnRH) that in turn arouse the production of Leutinizing Hormone (LH) and follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH). Testosterone, in addition its role in muscle building and increasing fertility levels and augment libido is also known to have an encouraging effect on bone marrow commotion and the immunity. - Jivanti (Leptadenia reticulata) - According to Ayurveda, the age old system of medication jivanti is a health tonic that is given for weakness and related conditions. Normally given for those people who are distressed from weakness or are short of energy. It gives wide-ranging strength to the body. A cooling, mucilaginous, demulcent with light intensification and tonic properties conventionally used in the treatment of seminal discharges and snake venom. The plant is good refreshment and best health tonic. The leaves and roots are supportive in various skin related diseases, inflammation of the skin and on wounds. The use of customary clinical doses casted no side effects. - Stone flowers (Parmelia perlata) - Parmelia perlata or Stone flowers is a lichen that grows in badge or unevenly spreading over the rock layer giving the look of a flower and hence it got this name. It is typically poised of fungal mycelia that form a network surrounding algal cells or gonidia. The plant is kashaya or astringent, tickta or bitter, acrid, sheet or cooling, anti-inflammatory and vrishya or aphrodisiac in nature. It is helpful in sores, boils, inflammations, seminal weakness and amenorrhea.

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Like A Car, Men's Health Needs Routine Maintenance

By Expert Author: Chester Ku-lea

Men - it's about time you started treating your health with as much interest as you treat your car! You may think you're as good as gold, but there are certain measures you should take to "tune-up" to ensure things are running smoothly. Fill up with good fuel - the National Institute of Health encourages men to eat 5-9 servings of fruits and veggies a day. Rev your motor - you should exercise every day - experts recommend 30 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise on most days of the week. Clean your grille - Brush your teeth twice a day with fluoride toothpaste, and floss once a day. Protect yourself - use condoms. Condoms are used for birth control and to help reduce the spread of sexually transmitted diseases. Full physical exam - get a yearly check-up with your doctor to reveal any health issues and to prevent colon cancer, prostate cancer, testicular cancer, high blood pressure/cholesterol, and other conditions. Skin self-exam - you should keep a close watch on your skin for moles that could be cancerous. Report any findings to your physician. Dental checkup - in addition to brushing and flossing, visit the dentist every six months for a cleaning and complete checkup. Flu shot - to ward off flu viruses, get this annually before the flu season. No one likes to visit the doctor for those yearly physicals, but the truth is, there's just no avoiding it! You're not gonna get much enjoyment out of that sports car unless you take care of this short list of men's health concerns first.

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Healthy Body - Healthy Sperm

By Expert Author: Eric A. Daiter

There are a lot of myths surrounding sperm count and sperm health. The truth is that your sperm count can vary from day to day and can be affected by many things. If you are interested in increasing your sperm health or sperm count, there are a few things that you can do to help improve your chances of having healthy sperm. Take your vitamins. A daily multivitamin can help your body to become a good environment for sperm production. Zinc and Folic Acid have been shown to help in sperm production and increase sperm count for a lot of men. Keeping your body healthy can have a direct connection with keeping your sperm healthy. Diet can have an impact on your sperm as well. Try eating lots of fruits and vegetables, lean proteins and whole grains. In today’s society, we tend to eat a lot of processed foods loaded with additives and little nutrition. Become label conscious and try to eat a more balanced diet. Healthy fats can help with sperm production. Omega-3 fatty acids are found in salmon, eggs, flax and avocados. Refrain from damaging recreations such as smoking, drinking alcoholic beverages and drugs. All of these things will hinder sperm production. Cigarettes and drugs are loaded with toxins that are not compatible with sperm growth and development. Stay away from these things if you are trying to conceive. Toxins in your environment can also damage sperm. If you are exposed to toxins daily, such as pesticides or paint fumes, then it may be affecting your sperm count. Wear gloves when exposing your skin to household cleaners. Wear a ventilation mask if you are around any fumes that could be inhaled. Shower often to help your body rid itself of toxins that could be in your system. Heat can hinder sperm production. Choose warm showers over hot baths. Avoid hot tubs. Switch from briefs to boxers. Your testes naturally drop to get away from your body when they get too hot and contract closer to your abdomen if they need to warm up. Changing your underwear from briefs to boxers will allow your testes to function as they were designed. Talk to an infertility specialist. Certain medications and illnesses can impact your sperm production. Make sure that you are not taking any medications that could thwart your efforts. Work with your doctor to figure out what could be causing your low sperm count. It could be your environment, lifestyle, habits or an underlying medical condition. Be patient and do what you can to help improve your chances of a healthy sperm count.
About the Author/Author BioDr. Eric Daiter, the medical director of The NJ Center for Fertility and Reproductive Medicine, LLC, a leading NEW JERSEY INFERTILITY CENTER that offers a complete range of MALE INFERTILITY AND FEMALE INFERTILITY TREATMENT. For more information on The NJ Center for Fertility and Reproductive Medicine and Eric Daiter please visit

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Male Menopause - Causes and Symptoms of Male Menopause

By Expert Author: Peter Hutch

Menopause is a condition most often associated with women. It occurs in a woman when she ceases to menstruate and can no longer become pregnant (usually). Men experience a different type of `menopause' or life change. It usually occurs between the ages of 45 and 60 - but sometimes as early as age 30. Unlike women, men can continue to father children, but the production of the male sex hormone (testosterone) diminishes gradually after age 40. Male menopause are not as overwhelming as the wholesale changes women experience, and male menopause does not affect all men. Approximately 40% of men in their 40s, 50s and 60s will experience some degree of lethargy, depression, increased irritability, mood swings, and difficulty in attaining and sustaining erections that characterize male menopause. For these individuals, such unanticipated physical and psychological changes can be cause for concern or even crisis. Without an understanding partner, these problems may result in a powerful combination of anxieties and doubts, which can lead to total impotence and sexual frustration. Causes of Male Menopause Male menopause can occur naturally in some men. More often than not, though, andropause is triggered by illness, depression, dementia, and obesity. Certain diseases that attack the heart and lungs also seem to affect the production of testosterone. Men who have had autoimmune diseases or cancer seem to be at an increased risk for low testosterone levels. The cause of these male menopause is aging. Between the ages of 40 and 50 men start to develop testicular problems. These may result in a decrease in the levels of testosterone produced. When the level of this hormone is lower than what it used to be the indicators of male menopause start to arise. Deficiency of DHEA due to a weakening adrenal function, the brain's nervous function is predominated by the sympathetic "Fight or Flight" function, where "Fight" = "Premature Ejaculation" and "Flight" = "Erection Withdrawal" during lovemaking, that is you will either ejaculate prematurely or lose erection during sex. The physical triggers and sensations of your body have been changed. You may be able to raise your flag, but it's only coming up to half-mast. Symptoms of Male Menopause Sleep difficulties - sleep, especially uninterupted deep sleep, is the time when the body repairs itself and gets ready for another trip through the next day. One of the male menopause symptoms is having difficulty in falling asleep, not sleeping well and having a restless time during the last part of sleep before awakening. Not getting enough quality sleep over time can have serious health consequences. The most frequent symptom of perimenopause and menopause, hot flashes happen to more then two out of three North American women. How can you turn down the heat? Does soy, or herbs like black cohosh, help? Find out. Declining sex drive (libido) - not only does the man have less interest in sex, he will also have sex less frequently. From an average of 3-4 times a week in his twenties, sexual frequency declines to once a week or so in his fifties to 1-2 times a month in his late seventies. A related symptom is that sex becomes less enjoyable for the man. Other symptoms include irritability, sweating, flushing, generalised aches and pains, and low mood, sometimes depression.

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