Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Male Menopause - Causes and Symptoms of Male Menopause

By Expert Author: Peter Hutch

Menopause is a condition most often associated with women. It occurs in a woman when she ceases to menstruate and can no longer become pregnant (usually). Men experience a different type of `menopause' or life change. It usually occurs between the ages of 45 and 60 - but sometimes as early as age 30. Unlike women, men can continue to father children, but the production of the male sex hormone (testosterone) diminishes gradually after age 40. Male menopause are not as overwhelming as the wholesale changes women experience, and male menopause does not affect all men. Approximately 40% of men in their 40s, 50s and 60s will experience some degree of lethargy, depression, increased irritability, mood swings, and difficulty in attaining and sustaining erections that characterize male menopause. For these individuals, such unanticipated physical and psychological changes can be cause for concern or even crisis. Without an understanding partner, these problems may result in a powerful combination of anxieties and doubts, which can lead to total impotence and sexual frustration. Causes of Male Menopause Male menopause can occur naturally in some men. More often than not, though, andropause is triggered by illness, depression, dementia, and obesity. Certain diseases that attack the heart and lungs also seem to affect the production of testosterone. Men who have had autoimmune diseases or cancer seem to be at an increased risk for low testosterone levels. The cause of these male menopause is aging. Between the ages of 40 and 50 men start to develop testicular problems. These may result in a decrease in the levels of testosterone produced. When the level of this hormone is lower than what it used to be the indicators of male menopause start to arise. Deficiency of DHEA due to a weakening adrenal function, the brain's nervous function is predominated by the sympathetic "Fight or Flight" function, where "Fight" = "Premature Ejaculation" and "Flight" = "Erection Withdrawal" during lovemaking, that is you will either ejaculate prematurely or lose erection during sex. The physical triggers and sensations of your body have been changed. You may be able to raise your flag, but it's only coming up to half-mast. Symptoms of Male Menopause Sleep difficulties - sleep, especially uninterupted deep sleep, is the time when the body repairs itself and gets ready for another trip through the next day. One of the male menopause symptoms is having difficulty in falling asleep, not sleeping well and having a restless time during the last part of sleep before awakening. Not getting enough quality sleep over time can have serious health consequences. The most frequent symptom of perimenopause and menopause, hot flashes happen to more then two out of three North American women. How can you turn down the heat? Does soy, or herbs like black cohosh, help? Find out. Declining sex drive (libido) - not only does the man have less interest in sex, he will also have sex less frequently. From an average of 3-4 times a week in his twenties, sexual frequency declines to once a week or so in his fifties to 1-2 times a month in his late seventies. A related symptom is that sex becomes less enjoyable for the man. Other symptoms include irritability, sweating, flushing, generalised aches and pains, and low mood, sometimes depression.

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