Monday, July 14, 2008

Penis Enhancement - Myth and Fact

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Impotence Help

by: Kent Pinkerton

A lot of good information and help for impotence is available to people who need it. The popularity of recent treatment has also helped remove some of the stigma associated with discussing impotence as more people realize it is often treatable at all ages.
Keeping in mind that there is usually an underlying physical condition that explains impotence, one�s doctor may be the best person to seek advice from. A doctor can determine whether an underlying physical condition, lifestyle factors, a prescription drug side effect, a psychological factor, or some combination of these is responsible for the impotence. He or she does this by taking a detailed personal and medical history, performing a physical examination, making a psychological evaluation, and running laboratory tests if necessary. This information is then used to plan the best treatment. Urologists, or doctors who specialize in diseases of the urinary tract, are usually the ones who provide such treatment. A gynecologist, often in consultation with an urologist, may treat female sexual dysfunction. Counseling can be tremendously helpful, particularly for psychological impotence. Counseling may help couples improve communication skills and communicate their sexual needs better, or provide practical tips for making sex physically fulfilling to both partners. If someone has suffered from abuse or post-traumatic stress disorder, counseling can help inculcate coping skills. People whose impotence is linked to depression, anxiety or stress can also benefit from counseling by a skilled professional and guidance on treatment that may offer relief for both the underlying psychological condition and for impotence. There are several free and reliable sources on the Internet such as the American Urological Association website, that provide detailed information on the causes and treatment of impotence. These sources may be useful for both the person suffering from impotence and their sexual partner.
Impotence provides detailed information on Impotence, Male Impotence, Female Impotence, Psychological Impotence and more. Impotence is affliated with Chronic Insomnia.

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Impotence Causes

by: Kent Pinkerton

Impotence may have a physical, lifestyle, or psychological cause. An underlying medical condition is the most common cause of impotence. Such conditions may interfere with the blood supply to the penis, the generation of nerve impulses involved in getting and maintaining an erection.
Some medical conditions that commonly cause impotence include diabetes, cardiovascular disease, atherosclerosis, or the hardening of the arteries, kidney disease, and diseases affecting the nervous system. Diabetes causes damage to both blood vessels and nerves. Cardiovascular and other vascular diseases reduce the flow of blood to the penis, and the veins that remove blood from the engorged penis may be leaky. Kidney disease may cause impotence through chemical changes that affect circulating hormones, blood supply, nerves and overall energy. Conditions that affect the brain or nerves, such as stroke, Alzheimer�s disease, or multiple sclerosis may all interfere with the flow of nerve impulses that are needed for an erection. Besides medical conditions, surgery that involves the bladder or prostate and pelvic and spinal cord injuries may affect nerves supplying the penis or involved in maintaining an erection. Certain hormonal imbalances such as low testosterone levels can also cause impotence and several types of prescription drugs can cause impotence as a side effect. Lifestyle factors implicated in impotence are lack of physical exercise, being overweight, and the use of alcohol, smoking and illegal drugs. Alcohol and tobacco cause damage to blood vessels and nerves. Lifestyle factors may exist alone or be accompanied by psychological factors such as depression. Psychological causes of impotence include stress, anxiety, depression, or guilt. Sometimes, people who have been physically or sexually abused may suffer from psychological impotence. Another cause of psychological impotence is confusion about one�s sexual identity. Often, someone with an underlying physical condition may also be depressed or anxious, adding to the combination of factors causing impotence.
Male Impotence provides detailed information on Impotence, Male Impotence, Female Impotence, Psychological Impotence and more. Male Impotence is affiliated with Chronic Insomnia.

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by: Kent Pinkerton

An estimated 10 to 15 million men in the United States suffer from impotence, also known as erectile dysfunction. Some people also use the term impotence to describe other problems such as lack of sexual desire and the inability to ejaculate or have an orgasm.
While many people who suffer from impotence suffer in silence, it is a treatable condition at any age. Impotence is sometimes used to describe female sexual dysfunction, which includes the broad categories of reduced sexual desire, pain during sex, inability to become aroused, and inability to have an orgasm. Male impotence usually has an underlying medical condition that causes nerve or artery damage. Such damage can interfere with the nerve impulses that are needed to start and sustain an erection or with blood flow that is needed to engorge the tissues in the penis to make it erect. Diabetes, surgery, injuries, vascular diseases, kidney disease, and chronic alcoholism are some medical conditions that may cause impotence. Smoking can also cause impotence by narrowing the blood vessels. Since the likelihood of having some of these conditions increases with age, older men are more likely to suffer from impotence. Impotence can also be a side effect of certain drugs such as high blood pressure drugs and antihistamines, or low levels of circulating hormones such as testosterone. As much as 20 percent of all impotence may be attributed to psychological factors such as stress, anxiety, and guilt. A doctor makes a diagnosis of impotence by carefully examining a patient�s medical history, performing a psychological evaluation, completing a physical examination, and doing some laboratory tests. Depending on what the cause of impotence is in a particular individual, there are a number of treatment options to choose from. These include counseling, drugs, surgery, and vacuum devices. The right treatment depends mostly on the cause and one�s age.
Male Impotence provides detailed information on Impotence, Male Impotence, Female Impotence, Psychological Impotence and more. Male Impotence is affiliated with Chronic Insomnia.

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Men's Sexual Concerns

Antony Virgese

The problem of erectile dysfunction or formerly called ‘impotency’ is a problem in which man can’t achieve erection to mate with his partner or can’t hold the achieved erection enough to complete the process of sex. It is totally different from other problems or conditions that affect the normal sexual intercourse such as lack of sexual desire, various problems connected with ejaculation and last but the vast “orgasm”.
In this article we will assess all the parts of erectile dysfunction. This problem can occur at any age but it is most common in the men past the age of 60.The problem of erectile dysfunction or ED can be divided into three different parts called complete inability to achieve erection, inconsistency in achieving erection or the third one called erection is achieved only for the shorter period of time.This variation makes defining ED a rather difficult task. The next big challenge in curing this problem is that because of social fear mostly sufferers are often hesitant to discuss their sexual health problem even with docs leaving this thing under diagnosed or uncured forever. However it is estimated that this problem had more than 35 million men in its claws in USA.This problem is experienced in men’s health in the in a very little quantity as early as the age of 45. In this human body where everything works under a predescribed sequence, erection also requires a précised chain and the problem of ED occurs when any part of this chain is interrupted. This chain comprises of nerve function in the brain, proper movement of spinal cord, sensitive areas around penis, the tissues, veins and numerous arteries in and around corpora.Any sort of damage to these nerves, arteries, and tissues brings the result in the form of disease called erectile dysfunction. Other common causes are diabetes, problems connected to kidneys, addiction towards alcohol or drugs, spinal cord injury and any problem relating vascular or neurological structure.Any abnormality related to hormones such as not having enough testosterone also becomes one of the many causes of degrading this part of men’s health. In addition to this many medicines of daily use also brings erectile dysfunction as a side effect. Among these are, the drugs used to normalize blood pressure, anti depressants, tranquilizers, anti obesity and diet pills.According to the experts in this field, some psychological problems such as stress, anxiety during sex, feeling of guilt of not soothing his partner’s sexual desire, low self esteem and biggest of them fear of sexual failure causes more than 20 percent of cases of male impotency. In many cases ED is the result of physical or emotional problem that needs to be treated.Basically, the treatment is started with a round of some quizzing about your physical, mental and emotional health followed by some tests of blood and urine to determine the severity of the disease. Generally many tests are advised but the doc determines which tests are necessary for different cases.In the majority of cases the treatment of erectile dysfunction mainly depends of the factors that are causing this problem of male impotency. It is advised that treatment should be initialized from the least and proceeds to the most intensive. In most of the cases making some small changes in lifestyle solved this problem. Giving up smoking, losing unwanted weight, and increase in their physical activities helped them regain the most requires sexual function.Reducing the intake of drug that brings ED as the side effect can be considered if it is found as the reason for ED. After this, techniques based psychological treatment is tested. These techniques decrease the anxiety related with intercourse.Patient’s partner is also made to work helping the patients with some practice such as increased intimacy and seduction followed by some stimulation given by hand. Such procedures can prove handy when cases of ED caused by emotional cause are being treated. When all these do not produce the expected result drugs and medicines comes into action.Three types of methods are used to use these drugs. Either they are taken orally or injected to the penis or inserted directly into the penis through its tip. In early 1998 FDA approved first medicine for oral intake for the treatment of male impotency. Since than many pills for this disease have been approved after various tests for safety and efficiency. These pills come in the class of drugs called phosphodiestrase. When taken these drugs work by enhancing the effect of nitric oxide resulting in the increase in blood flow. Although these medicines improve sexual stimulation but the do not shot automatic erections as injections do. These drugs are recommended under high-class medical supervision for those using drugs to some other health problem. It is strictly advised that none of these drugs should be used more than once in a day.Many research committees have been working on the program to understand the reasons of erectile dysfunction and finding out its natural treatment. These researches have made men more open minded towards this problem resulting the increased the number of patients seeking treatment to this problem. Doctors all around the globe have been working on gene therapy for the treatment of ED and it is a bright hope that in coming years it will offer an ever lasting and permanent therapeutic treatment for erectile dysfunction.
Antony Virgese is an associated editor to the website: - The Erectile Dysfuction Portal. Cpotent is committed to provide visitors with complete information on Erectile Dysfunction, Male Impotence, Cialis, Latest Cialis News, Sucess Stories, Discussion Forum and its related topics. Your Feedback & comments will be highly appreciated at

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Re-ignite the passion

by: Richard Gary

Sexual health and erectile dysfunction and impotency used to be a taboo subject once upon a time, not any more. Everybody knows that any minor sex problem disturb a men very far so it’s better to cure it as soon as possible to avoid future problems. Here the biggest issue is men’s health and it is incomplete without sexual health.
The biggest problem concerned with men’s health is impotence or sexual disability in which a man can be unable to achieve erection even in a very young age. It may be due to mental stress vascular problems, nervous system problems and hormonal disorders. Erectile Dysfunction can be diagnosed but you will have it bring it up to your doctor or you have another revolutionary way and that is to use power boosting drugs as treatment. Most of the doctors suggest these drugs to their patients who are suffering from Erectile Dysfunction. Among the list of power booster drugs cialis, Viagra and levitra are those drugs which have instant effects and pretty good popularity in market. Buying these drugs online is convenient as well as time saving. Buy these power boosters and feel that passion which you have missed somewhere. Erectile Dysfunction is injurious because its effects are not just limited to physical problems; it can cause many mental troubles. These mental troubles caused by impotence are long lasting that not only disturb your personal but social and professional life also. To avoid sexual and mental disorders these love drugs are the most effective way, which can help you in getting out of Erectile Dysfunction. Use of such drugs can make you feel able to have a good activity again. Now it’s not very far from your reach because now it’s also available online. Don’t waste your money and time on buying costly gifts for your partner when she demands only love from you. I really mean it because if you escape from loving her then nothing can make her feel better again and your relationship can go in dole-drums. So don’t waste time and make you feel like a winner again……..this can really change your life.
Richard Gary is a Freelance Writer of, about Erectile Dysfunction health care information and Erectile Dysfunction articles. Providing information of its possible treatments and its Medicine Cialis, Viagra and Levitra. Feel Free to Contact me at

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The magic of Levitra

by: Jessica

Sex is one of the important aspects of life. It has been instrumental in strengthening the bonds of relationship between the partners. It is quite essential that the sex life of a couple remains normal as any kind of hindrance can create problems for the relationship. People who do not have normal sex life often feel low and neglected.
Sex related problems can lead to strained relationships and even break-ups. One of the most common sexual dysfunction experienced by men is Erectile Dysfunction. This ailment can be explained as a man’s inability to get or maintain enough erection required to have satisfactory sex. If this problem is faced occasionally then there is nothing much to worry about. In case, if this is a consistent problem than it is a matter of concern and requires proper medication.The incidence of erectile dysfunction increases with age. This problem can occur at any age but as per data 5 to 25% of men get affected by this in the age group of 40 to 65 years. This can go as high as 50% by the age of 70 years. If we analyze the causes of this disease, erectile dysfunction can happen due to both physical and psychological factors. The physical factors can be like lack of blood flow in the penis due to blocked arteries, damage of nerves connected to penis, diabetes, heavy smoking, alcoholism and drug abuse. The psychological factors include stress, sexual boredom, depression etc. If we take about the treatments available to cure erectile dysfunction, there are multiple options available like psychotherapy, drug therapy, vacuum devices, or surgery. The most popular method of all is the drug therapy. These drugs can be either consumed orally or injected directly into the penis. Some of the commonly used drugs are Viagra, Levitra and Cialis. Drugs like Levitra are gaining popularity and have given new hopes to people suffering from erectile dysfunction. Levitra is part of the medicines group known as PDE5 inhibitors. This drug is round in shape and is available in the strength of 5mg, 10mg and 20mg. Levitra works by way of relaxing the blood vessels in the penis and causing smooth blood flow in the penis and thus enabling erection process. You can buy Levitra from FDA approved pharmacies or buy it online. Before you order Levitra it is important to understand its side effects which normally are headache and flushing. In order to eradicate ED trust these drugs and experience the magic of Levitra and put an end to this problem forever.
Jessica Taylor is an associated author to the website and for three years he has been working on men's health related issues. You can easily find relevant information (anything you want to know) about, erectile dysfunction and moreover you can buy levitra online at this site.

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Testicular Self-exam

by: Amy Otis, RN

Testicular Self-exam; do it Every Month!
Cancer of the testicles accounts for only about one percent of all cancers in men. BUT, it is the most common type of cancer in males ages 16 to 35, and it can occur anytime after age fifteen.
Often, only one testicle is affected. The cause of testicular cancer is still unknown.
Risk factors, however, have been found. These include:
Uncorrected undescended testicles in infants and young children. (Parents should make sure that their infant boys are checked at birth for undescended testicles.)
A family history of testicular cancer. (If you don’t know, ask.)
Having an identical twin with testicular cancer.
Injury to the scrotum or to a testicle.
It’s five times more common among Caucasian than Black males.
What is Testicular Self-Exam? (TSE)
The TSE is a method for men to check their testicles to make sure there aren't any unusual bumps or lumps, which may be the first sign of testicular cancer. Sometimes cancer of the testicles will spread, so it’s very important to detect it early so that the cancer doesn't become more serious. The Tour de France winner and great cyclist Lance Armstrong beat testicular cancer, but he ignored symptoms for a long time and nearly died from it since it spread so much.
July 25, 2004 -- Update: Lance Armstrong wins his 6th consecutive Tour de France!
How Do I Do A TSE?
Check yourself right after a hot shower. The skin of the scrotum is then relaxed and soft.
Become familiar with the normal size, shape and weight of your testicles.
Using both hands, gently roll each testicle between your fingers.
Identify the epididymis. This is a rope-like structure on the top and back of each testicle. This structure is NOT an abnormal lump.
Be on the alert for a tiny lump under the skin, in front or along the sides of either testicle. A lump may remind you of a piece of uncooked rice or a small cooked pea.
Report any swelling to your health care provider.
If you have any lumps or swelling, it does not necessarily mean you have cancer, but you must be checked by your health care provider. If detected and treated early , testicular cancer is one of the most curable cancers.
Warning Signs of A Problem
In the early stages, testicular cancer may have no symptoms. When there are symptoms, they include:
Small, painless lump in a testicle.
Enlarged testicle.
Feeling of heaviness in the testicle or groin.
Pain in the testicle.
A change in the way the testicle feels.
Enlarged male breasts and nipples.
Blood or fluid that accumulates suddenly in the scrotum.
Remember that testicular cancer is highly curable, especially when detected and treated early. Testicular cancer almost always occurs in only one testicle and the other testicle is all that is needed for full sexual function. Routine testicular self-exams are important, but they cannot substitute for a health care provider's examination. That person should examine your testicles when you have a physical exam. You can also ask them to teach you the correct way to do a TSE. Here’s to your health! Carpe Diem!
For info on Torsion of the Testicle,or about common “Penis Problems
Editor's Choice Award:

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Testiclular Torsion: A Painful Medical Emergency

by: Amy Otis, RN

Testiclular Torsion: A Painful Medical EmergencyPerhaps the most common testicular problem is torsion of a testicle. This condition usually occurs in childhood and the teenage years, but can occur in men of any age. Some men are predisposed to testicular torsion as a result of inadequate connective tissue within the scrotum itself, but testicular torsion can happen to anyone with testicles.
The term “torsion” actually refers to impaired blood flow. The impaired blow flow occurs when a testicle twists around on the spermatic cord, which carries the spermatic artery, and cuts off its own blood supply. Testicular torsion can actually happen spontaneously and for no apparent reason. Sometimes it even occurs during sleep. Oddly enough, the cord can untwist by itself before you get to the urologist or other health care provider. However, if it happened to you once, you are most likely at risk for this to occur again and most urologists would probably recommend that surgery is needed to repair the testicle, or both testicles.In adult men the testical torsion condition is often a result of trauma to the scrotum, or from strenuous physical exertion. For example: A softball, baseball, or golf ball hits a man hard in the scrotum and causes the torsion. (I had a patient who was the victim of a hard-hit softball to his groin). Being kneed or kicked in the testicles can also cause testical torsion. The pain of torsion is actually worse than the kick that causes the torsion--so hopefully you will know not to ignore this! (Ouch! And I’m a woman.)Nausea, vomiting, and dizziness are often present when there is an absence of blood supply to the testicle or if the injury is sudden. Fainting can also occur.Testicular torsion is considered a medical emergency and usually requires surgery within four to six hours if the testicle is to be saved. An ultrasound of the scrotum most often confirms this diagnosis by showing the absence of blood flowing to the testicle. A surgeon, or urologist, sometimes will stitch the testicle in place so the torsion doesn't reoccur. If the condition is diagnosed quickly and immediately corrected, the testicle may continue to function properly. After six hours of torsion, the chances that the testicle will need to be removed increases. Sometimes even with less than six hours of torsion, the testicle may lose its ability to function. (Remember, you only need one testicle to produce testosterone and to father a child. Testosterone is also produced by the adrenal glands.)How will you recognize this situation? As the testicle's blood supply is reduced, it gradually turns red, then purple and eventually blue. That’s when the pain becomes excruciating--and medical help is essential!When engaging in any sport with a fast-moving object, guys should either wear cup or avoid trauma to the scrotum (in other words, never play goalie, catcher or pitcher without a cup).Remember, this condition is a surgical emergency. If symptoms of testicular torsion occur seek emergency treatment promptly. Call 911 in the United States, if you are in too much pain to drive. Somehow get to your nearest emergency room.Regardless of your age, if you have these symptoms, seek medical attention promptly.
Stop by - You might just learn something. We're much more than teen health.

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Forget impotence with Cialis

by: Norma Dsouza

For many middle-aged men, having trouble below the belt is as unavoidable as death. Like menopause, it can simply be a part of aging. Diabetes, artery-clogging cardiovascular disease (both common side-effects of obesity) and other ailments make it worse by further weakening their manhood.
Avoidable trauma Modern medicine and treatment techniques have, however, ensured that male impotence can be cured without affecting intimacy and satisfaction in a relationship. Unfortunately, lack of awareness about sexual disorders is still overwhelming and most people find it awkward to talk about their problems. This conspiracy of silence only makes their condition worse and as sex is integral to married life, entire families suffer avoidable trauma as the partners drift apart. So, the very first thing a man should do when struck by impotence is to take his partner into confidence before seeking medical help. The advent of oral pills in 1998 has revolutionized the treatment of impotence. So, there is no dearth of options. Wonder drug Viagra and Cialis are among the most popular impotence pills. Though Cialis came into the market much after Viagra, it soon rivaled the original impotence pill in the popularity stakes. This is because Cialis works faster and its effect lasts much longer than Viagra. Cialis has a life of 36 hours in contrast to Viagra’s four. This gives the couple enough time for romance and foreplay without the pill deadline hanging like a Damocles sword over them. Besides, Cialis starts working within 20 minutes of consumption. Unlike Viagra and Levitra, which have to be taken on an empty stomach, Cialis can also be taken on a full stomach. Online advantage Many opt for online Cialis as ordering online is convenient, secure and ensures privacy. Licensed online pharmacies like European Pharmacy gives you the opportunity to buy Cialis at a much lower price than what you would pay at your neighborhood chemist’s shop. Free online medical exam and free shipping worldwide are among the other advantages you can avail of by ordering online from European Pharmacy. So, don’t wait until it is too late to save your marriage. Buy Cialis and consign impotence to history’s dustbin.
Norma Dsouza is a Health and Fitness consultant. For more details please visit:

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The Incidence of Smoking and Drinking on Male Sexual Health

by: Marc Deschamps

Studies published by the medical and health community are unanimous. As much as forty percent of men in North America experience some form of sexual health dysfunction. Because many men refuse to face the truth, several experts believe the true figure to be much higher.Health diseases, such as cholesterol, hypertension and diabetes, are common causes for erectile dysfunctions.
However, lifestyle choices like drinking and smoking are also a major factor causing sexual health disruptions and are often overlooked. In reality, drinking and smoking have a negative effect on the normal flow of blood and directly interfere with male sexual performance. Various studies have established a direct correlation between a quality sex life and a healthy blood flow. While diet, exercise and appropriate supplements effectively promote the sexual performance of men by maintaining and enhancing their level of libido, sperm production and motility and sexual activity, they do not guarantee positive results for people who smoke and drink large quantities of on a daily basis. Not to mention men that consume drugs such as cocaine, heroine and ecstasy which interfere even more with their blood flow or their stamina.A recent study conducted by the Section of Endocrinology of the Lahey Hitchcock Medical Center, Burlington, Massachusetts, revealed that smoking causes an important reduction in the number of spontaneous erections occuring during sleep. These erections are one of the most significant indication of a quality blood flow and good sexual health. A drop in the frequency or intensity of erections indicate a risk that some form of erectile dysfunction may develop in the short run. The study has also shown that refraining from smoking for as little as 24 hours brought about a dramatic increase in the quality of spontaneous erections. Needless to say, smoking also has several other "side effects" such as high blood pressure and lung cancer.Another study conducted by the Department of Psychiatry from the University Medical School of Lubeck, Germany, concluded that heavy drinkers suffer more often from erectile dysfunction than those having an occasional drink. Alcohol tends to induce a pleasant state of relaxation and is generally thought to have a positive effect on the libido. Nothing is further from the truth. It is a suppressant and has a major negative impact on the libido. It also reduces the ability for men to achieve and maintain a quality erection.The Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, which is managed and operated by the University of California, has conducted its own study regarding the effects of smoking among teenagers. Their findings were frightening. They revealed that smoking has a disastrous impact on the quality of semen and that teenagers who are heavy smokers are jeopardizing their chances to have children and also increasing the risk of having children who suffer from various genetic problems due to the damaged DNA received from the father or mother. Let's cite one last study, conducted by The University of Berne, Switzerland. The results of their own research unveiled facts backing the findings of the University of California. Statistical analysis conducted in Switzerland demonstrated significantly lower semen quality in smokers compared with non-smokers. Sperm concentration was also strongly affected.Men are free to make their own decisions. Freedom of choice is an important principle that comes with consequences. Not even the energy of youth can offset the toll that smoking and drinking are bound to take on male sexual health. There are some things that should be sacrificed for the sake of a healthy and satisfying sex life. Let me ask you this delicate question : Should drinking and smoking be one of those?
Marc Deschamps is the editor of, a free online publication dedicated to the sexual health of the modern man. Click here for other articles on male sexual health, posted on the web site.

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Premature ejaculation

by: Anonymous

Question : I AM a healthy 29-year-old man but I have problems controlling my ejaculation. It seems to occur before the intercourse. Answer : THE problem you are experiencing is termed premature ejaculation. It is uncontrolled ejaculation either before or shortly after sexual penetration.
Premature ejaculation is common and probably affects every man at some point of his life.There is no clear cause. However, it is often caused by psychological factors such as fear, guilt, anxiety and over-stimulation. Practice and relaxation may help you deal with this problem. Perhaps you can distract yourself by thinking non-sexual thoughts to delay ejaculation. For some men, reducing or stopping the use of alcohol and tobacco may help. Traditional remedies may also be helpful. Herbs such as horny goat weed, ginkgo, ginseng, puncture vine, muira puama, withania and damiana can be used to improve health and functioning of the sexual organs. Withania, for instance, has been used for debility and nervous exhaustion. All these herbs are beneficial if you are experiencing fatigue.

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Male Menopause

by: Kevin Stith

Male menopause is the result of decreased levels of the male hormone, testosterone. Most commonly, reduced testosterone is reported by those suffering from underlying medical conditions such as diabetes, obesity or high blood pressure. These diseases are common in men over the age of 45.
While some reduction in testosterone levels occurs normally as men age, there are several conditions in which there may be a more rapid decrease. Testosterone production can be interrupted at any age through damage to the testes. The testes make testosterone, and they may be damaged due to an injury, surgery, radiation, infection, or chemotherapy. Testosterone production is mediated by parts of the brain called the hypothalamus and pituitary gland. So if either or both are damaged or not working properly at any age, they do not send the signals required for normal testosterone production to the testes, resulting in reduced testosterone levels. When testosterone levels drop, men may experience symptoms similar to what women experience when going through menopause. These symptoms include reduced libido, erectile dysfunction, depression, fatigue, and muscle weakness. Testosterone deficiency has also been linked to osteoporosis in men.Significant testosterone deficiency can be treated with hormone replacement therapy. However, most men experience a very gradual reduction in testosterone levels as they get older, and do not require any treatment. Also, hormone replacement therapy carries an increased risk of prostate cancer, and should be carefully considered. If a decision is made to undergo hormone therapy, the treatment can be administered through injections, oral medications, implants and patches. To treat symptoms such as depression, doctors may prescribe anti-depressants. Because obesity is a major factor implicated in testosterone deficiency, a doctor may also recommend certain lifestyle changes such as a healthy diet and regular exercise.
Early Menopause provides detailed information on menopause, early menopause, male menopause, menopause and osteoporosis and more. Early Menopause is affiliated with Endometriorsis And Infertility.

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Erectile Dysfunction and Treatment

by: Susan Allen

Erectile dysfunction, or impotence, is the inability to achieve or maintain an erection long enough for the penis to enter the vagina and engage in sexual intercourse. Normally, an erection occurs when your imagination or one or more senses (vision, hearing, touch, smell, and taste) are stimulated and you become aroused.Erection problems will usually produce a significant psychological and emotional reaction in most men.
This is often described as a pattern of anxiety and stress that can further interfere with normal sexual function. This "performance anxiety" needs to be recognized and addressed by your doctor.Erectile dysfunction is more prevalent than it may seem. It occurs to some degree in up to 40% of men 40 years old, and up to 67% in those age 70. It is a significant area of research for the pharmaceutical industry, with potential sales in the billions of dollars. In older men, physical causes play a primary role in 60% or more of all cases of erectile dysfunction. In men over the age of 60, the leading cause is atherosclerosis, or narrowing of the arteries, which can restrict the flow of blood to the penis. Injury or disease of the connective tissue, such as Peyronie's disease, may also interfere.Decreasing anxiety associated with intercourse, with psychologically based treatment helps to cure ED. The patient's partner can help with the techniques, which include gradual development of intimacy and stimulation. Such techniques also can help relieve anxiety when ED from physical causes is being treated.Sex counseling is an important part of erectile dysfunction management. Many professional sex counselors are skilled in working with patients with ED, but your primary care doctor and urologist may also serve in this capacity to some degree. These are usually the first professionals to learn about the problem. Men are frequently reluctant to discuss their sexual problems and need to be specifically asked.
This article has been published by content writer of Susan Allen has experience of many years in writing articles and news articles on various topics related to freebies. She has also started writing articles on health which can be seen in comming days. For more information about this article and product,please visit If any error is found in this article, please feel free to contact us at

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