Monday, July 14, 2008

Forget impotence with Cialis

by: Norma Dsouza

For many middle-aged men, having trouble below the belt is as unavoidable as death. Like menopause, it can simply be a part of aging. Diabetes, artery-clogging cardiovascular disease (both common side-effects of obesity) and other ailments make it worse by further weakening their manhood.
Avoidable trauma Modern medicine and treatment techniques have, however, ensured that male impotence can be cured without affecting intimacy and satisfaction in a relationship. Unfortunately, lack of awareness about sexual disorders is still overwhelming and most people find it awkward to talk about their problems. This conspiracy of silence only makes their condition worse and as sex is integral to married life, entire families suffer avoidable trauma as the partners drift apart. So, the very first thing a man should do when struck by impotence is to take his partner into confidence before seeking medical help. The advent of oral pills in 1998 has revolutionized the treatment of impotence. So, there is no dearth of options. Wonder drug Viagra and Cialis are among the most popular impotence pills. Though Cialis came into the market much after Viagra, it soon rivaled the original impotence pill in the popularity stakes. This is because Cialis works faster and its effect lasts much longer than Viagra. Cialis has a life of 36 hours in contrast to Viagra’s four. This gives the couple enough time for romance and foreplay without the pill deadline hanging like a Damocles sword over them. Besides, Cialis starts working within 20 minutes of consumption. Unlike Viagra and Levitra, which have to be taken on an empty stomach, Cialis can also be taken on a full stomach. Online advantage Many opt for online Cialis as ordering online is convenient, secure and ensures privacy. Licensed online pharmacies like European Pharmacy gives you the opportunity to buy Cialis at a much lower price than what you would pay at your neighborhood chemist’s shop. Free online medical exam and free shipping worldwide are among the other advantages you can avail of by ordering online from European Pharmacy. So, don’t wait until it is too late to save your marriage. Buy Cialis and consign impotence to history’s dustbin.
Norma Dsouza is a Health and Fitness consultant. For more details please visit:

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