Monday, July 14, 2008

Premature ejaculation

by: Anonymous

Question : I AM a healthy 29-year-old man but I have problems controlling my ejaculation. It seems to occur before the intercourse. Answer : THE problem you are experiencing is termed premature ejaculation. It is uncontrolled ejaculation either before or shortly after sexual penetration.
Premature ejaculation is common and probably affects every man at some point of his life.There is no clear cause. However, it is often caused by psychological factors such as fear, guilt, anxiety and over-stimulation. Practice and relaxation may help you deal with this problem. Perhaps you can distract yourself by thinking non-sexual thoughts to delay ejaculation. For some men, reducing or stopping the use of alcohol and tobacco may help. Traditional remedies may also be helpful. Herbs such as horny goat weed, ginkgo, ginseng, puncture vine, muira puama, withania and damiana can be used to improve health and functioning of the sexual organs. Withania, for instance, has been used for debility and nervous exhaustion. All these herbs are beneficial if you are experiencing fatigue.

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