Monday, July 14, 2008

Men's Sexual Concerns

Antony Virgese

The problem of erectile dysfunction or formerly called ‘impotency’ is a problem in which man can’t achieve erection to mate with his partner or can’t hold the achieved erection enough to complete the process of sex. It is totally different from other problems or conditions that affect the normal sexual intercourse such as lack of sexual desire, various problems connected with ejaculation and last but the vast “orgasm”.
In this article we will assess all the parts of erectile dysfunction. This problem can occur at any age but it is most common in the men past the age of 60.The problem of erectile dysfunction or ED can be divided into three different parts called complete inability to achieve erection, inconsistency in achieving erection or the third one called erection is achieved only for the shorter period of time.This variation makes defining ED a rather difficult task. The next big challenge in curing this problem is that because of social fear mostly sufferers are often hesitant to discuss their sexual health problem even with docs leaving this thing under diagnosed or uncured forever. However it is estimated that this problem had more than 35 million men in its claws in USA.This problem is experienced in men’s health in the in a very little quantity as early as the age of 45. In this human body where everything works under a predescribed sequence, erection also requires a précised chain and the problem of ED occurs when any part of this chain is interrupted. This chain comprises of nerve function in the brain, proper movement of spinal cord, sensitive areas around penis, the tissues, veins and numerous arteries in and around corpora.Any sort of damage to these nerves, arteries, and tissues brings the result in the form of disease called erectile dysfunction. Other common causes are diabetes, problems connected to kidneys, addiction towards alcohol or drugs, spinal cord injury and any problem relating vascular or neurological structure.Any abnormality related to hormones such as not having enough testosterone also becomes one of the many causes of degrading this part of men’s health. In addition to this many medicines of daily use also brings erectile dysfunction as a side effect. Among these are, the drugs used to normalize blood pressure, anti depressants, tranquilizers, anti obesity and diet pills.According to the experts in this field, some psychological problems such as stress, anxiety during sex, feeling of guilt of not soothing his partner’s sexual desire, low self esteem and biggest of them fear of sexual failure causes more than 20 percent of cases of male impotency. In many cases ED is the result of physical or emotional problem that needs to be treated.Basically, the treatment is started with a round of some quizzing about your physical, mental and emotional health followed by some tests of blood and urine to determine the severity of the disease. Generally many tests are advised but the doc determines which tests are necessary for different cases.In the majority of cases the treatment of erectile dysfunction mainly depends of the factors that are causing this problem of male impotency. It is advised that treatment should be initialized from the least and proceeds to the most intensive. In most of the cases making some small changes in lifestyle solved this problem. Giving up smoking, losing unwanted weight, and increase in their physical activities helped them regain the most requires sexual function.Reducing the intake of drug that brings ED as the side effect can be considered if it is found as the reason for ED. After this, techniques based psychological treatment is tested. These techniques decrease the anxiety related with intercourse.Patient’s partner is also made to work helping the patients with some practice such as increased intimacy and seduction followed by some stimulation given by hand. Such procedures can prove handy when cases of ED caused by emotional cause are being treated. When all these do not produce the expected result drugs and medicines comes into action.Three types of methods are used to use these drugs. Either they are taken orally or injected to the penis or inserted directly into the penis through its tip. In early 1998 FDA approved first medicine for oral intake for the treatment of male impotency. Since than many pills for this disease have been approved after various tests for safety and efficiency. These pills come in the class of drugs called phosphodiestrase. When taken these drugs work by enhancing the effect of nitric oxide resulting in the increase in blood flow. Although these medicines improve sexual stimulation but the do not shot automatic erections as injections do. These drugs are recommended under high-class medical supervision for those using drugs to some other health problem. It is strictly advised that none of these drugs should be used more than once in a day.Many research committees have been working on the program to understand the reasons of erectile dysfunction and finding out its natural treatment. These researches have made men more open minded towards this problem resulting the increased the number of patients seeking treatment to this problem. Doctors all around the globe have been working on gene therapy for the treatment of ED and it is a bright hope that in coming years it will offer an ever lasting and permanent therapeutic treatment for erectile dysfunction.
Antony Virgese is an associated editor to the website: - The Erectile Dysfuction Portal. Cpotent is committed to provide visitors with complete information on Erectile Dysfunction, Male Impotence, Cialis, Latest Cialis News, Sucess Stories, Discussion Forum and its related topics. Your Feedback & comments will be highly appreciated at

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